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Histories Of The World

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

Talking about the history of the world, not apart from the name of the war because war is a result of the side effects of ego strength, in war there must be forces or knights in it. In the history of war, the world has created a variety of forces and formidable warrior, but there are only a few of the best. And here is the most powerful force the greatest warrior and legendary in the history of the world.

1. Apache
Apache (from the Zuni word meaning enemy (disputed)) is the collective name for a number of cultural communities in North America, which tells the same language. Now this term includes the Navajo tribe. Apache tribes moved south from the northern United States rather recently. The characters are well-known Apache Geronimo, Cochise and Mangas Coloradas. U.S. Army found that they are a powerful tribes with a reliable strategy.
Apache tribe formerly living in southeastern Arizona and southwestern Mexico. Main groups are Arivaipa Apache, Chiricahua, Coyotero, Faraone Gileno, Llanero, Mescalero, Mimbreno, Mogollon, Naisha, Tchikun and Tchishi. They are a powerful tribes and led a number of battles, continued hostile to whites. The defeat was the first for the Apaches in 1886, when the Chiricahua Apache people were deported to Florida and Alabama, in military custody. Now living as Apache tribe of 11,000 diArizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma.
Apache as ninja from America. operate by way of sneaking behind enemies and slit throats enemies. With primitive weapons were mostly made of wood and bone. Another skill they are using guns knives and throwing axes.

2. Mamluk
Mamluk or Mameluke (Arabic Mamluks (single), Mamalik (plural)) is a slave soldier who converted to Islam and served for Islamic caliphs and Ayyubid Sultanate in the Middle Ages. They eventually became the most powerful army and also founded the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt. After embracing Islam, will be trained as a Mamluk horsemen. They must comply with Furisiyyah, a code of conduct that included values ​​like courage and generosity, and also the doctrine of war tactics riding, horsemanship, archery and also finesse treat wounds and injuries.
Mamluk soldiers live in their own community only. Period field is filled with games like archery and combat proficiency offerings. Intensive and rigorous exercise for new members will also ensure that free Mamluk Mamluk culture is eternal.
After finishing the exercise, Mamluk army liberated but they should be loyal to the caliph or sultan. They got a hold command of the caliph or sultan. Mamluk army always deployed to resolve disputes between local tribes. Local authorities such as the Mamluk emir also have their own troops but smaller than the Caliph or Sultan Mamluk army.
At first, the status of the Mamluk army is not to be inherited and boys Mamluk soldiers barred his father's footsteps. In some areas such as Egypt, Mamluk army began a relationship with the local government and eventually got extensive influence. Over time, they became a powerful military caste, and often defeating the Crusaders. More than once, they seized power from the sultan of their own, for example, the Mamluk Sultanate in Egypt 1250-1517.

3. Aztec
The Aztec or Aztec people of Central America are of central Mexico with a rich mythology and cultural heritage. In the language of Nahuatl, the language of the Aztec tribe, "Aztec" means a person who comes from Aztlán ". Tribe Aztec also refer to themselves as Mehika or Meshika or Mexica, Stocking origin of the name" Mexico ". Use of the name Aztec as a term that refers to those who have economic, customs, religion, and language Mexica initiated by Alexander von Humboldt. Aztek is one of several cultures, referred to generally as "nahuas" follow their language. When the Aztecs get to the Anahuac valley, they are regarded by others as the most nahuas not civilized, so they decided to learn, and take away from the other clans, they learned a lot from the old Toltec (which is often confused with the older Teotihuacan culture. Tribe Aztec incorporate some traditions are mixed with their own traditions. therefore they have some creation myths, one of which describes the four eras before the world today, all of which ended in disaster. fifth Era will be endless due to the sun's sacrificial hero. tale is linked to the old city of Teotihuacan, which was destroyed when the Aztecs arrived. myth else the world as creation twin gods, Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl. Tezcatlipoca lost his foot in the world and all creation process overview describes the god Tezcatlipoca without legs and expose the bone. Quetzalcoatl was also known as White Tezcatlipoca.
According to legend, they wandered into the Lago de Texcoco in Central Mexico from somewhere in the north that are recognized as Aztlán. They are guided by their god Huitzilopochtli. When they arrived at an island in the middle of the lake, they saw an eagle eating a snake while perched on a nopal cactus, the picture according to the prophecy that told them to make a new settlement there. The Aztecs made their city known as Tenochtitlan. The site, at the present time is the center of Mexico City. Eagles legendary bird that was also present in the Mexican flag.
Notorious Aztecs in battle. They usually dress like an eagle or jaguar animal. They use a very primitive weapons like clubs and bows very effectively. Aztec Cuachicqueh are special forces who vowed not to retreat when the enemy comes. They were eventually defeated by the Spaniards with modern weapons are much better.

4. Spartan
Spartan army was the military force in the city-state of Sparta, which is one of the strongest city-state in ancient Greece. This force is one of the core state perdaban Sparta, the main goal of each population is a powerful warrior. Carry out military training for its residents since their childhood, forces Sparta became one of the most feared fighting force in the history of the world. In its heyday in the 6th century BC and the 4th, it is generally considered that "one Spartan soldiers as valuable as some soldiers from other countries." At the end of the 6th century BC, Sparta recognized by countries other strong cities. Kroisos king of Lydia allying with Sparta, and later, the Greek cities of Asia Minor asked for his help in the Ionian Revolt. In the second Persian invasion of Greece led by the Persian king, Xerxes, Sparta was appointed as leader of the Greek community on land and sea. Because of this, the Spartan army played a crucial role in the invasion dispel, especially at the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle Plataia. However, thereafter, the alleged conspiracy Pausanias Persian and Spartan reluctance to go too far from home, causing Sparta withdrew from communion Greek troops, and thus the army leadership fellowship awarded to Athena who also was on the rise. Athena accepted the position and will continue our determined effort to attack Persia. Meanwhile, the result of this retreat, Sparta became inclined isolationist.
Isolationist tendency was further reinforced by the presence of a revolt by some of its allies and a major earthquake in the year 464 BC, followed by a large-scale rebellion by the Helot Messenia. At the same time, Athens grew stronger and started to become a major force in Greece. This eventually led to the clash between Athens and Sparta, and the two fought in the Battle of Peloponnesos First and Second Peloponesos War, which damaged many areas in Greece. Sparta suffered some shock defeat in this war, including for the first time the entire unit surrendered at the Battle Sphakteria Sparta in 425 BC. Nevertheless, Sparta eventually be the winner in this war, especially as aided financially by the Persians. Under the leadership of admiralnya, namely Lysandros, Peloponnesos fleet funded by the Persians had conquered the cities of Athens allies, and a landslide victory in a naval battle in Aegospotami eventually forced Athens to surrender. The defeat of Athens makes Sparta as having Palong dominant force in all of Greece.

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