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Histories Of The World

Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

RMS Titanic
RMS Titanic was a passenger liner that sank super Britain in the North Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1912 after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City. The sinking of the Titanic resulted in the death of as many as 1514 people in one of the disasters of the deadliest peacetime maritime history. Titanic was the largest ship in the world on its maiden voyage. One of the three Olympic-class ocean liner operated by the White Star Line. The ship was built in 1909 to 1911 by Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast. The ship is capable of carrying 2224 passengers.
The passengers consisted of a number of the richest people in the world, and more than a thousand emigrants from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Scandinavia, and other countries who are looking for a new life in North America. The ship was designed as comfortable and as luxurious as possible, with well equipped gymnasium, swimming pool, library, upscale restaurants and luxury cabins. This ship also has a cutting-edge wireless telegraph operated for the purpose of passenger and vessel operations. Although Titanic has advanced safety equipment such as watertight compartments and watertight doors that can be operated from a distance, the ship did not have enough lifeboats to accommodate all passengers. Due to safety regulations ancient sea, the Titanic had only a lifeboat that can only accommodate 1178 passengers - one-third of the total passengers and crew.
After leaving Southampton on 10 April 1912, the Titanic stopped at Cherbourg, France and Queenstown (now Cobh), Ireland before sailing west to New York. On 14 April 1912, four days after shipping, exactly 375 miles south of Newfoundland, the ship hit an iceberg at 23:40 (ship time; UTC-3). This resulted in a collision rather swipe Titanic hull plate inward in some places on the starboard side and ripped five of sixteen water-tight compartments. For two and a half hours later, the boat slowly filled with water and sank. The number of passengers and crew were evacuated into lifeboats, most have been released in a state of half-full. Many men in disproportionate numbers - nearly 90% in Year Two - abandoned because officers were loading the lifeboats comply with the protocol "women and children first". Just before 2:20 pm, Titanic broke and bow down with a thousand people on board. The people in the water died within minutes due to hypothermia because of contact with a very cold ocean. 710 passengers safely removed from the boat by the RMS Carpathia a few hours later.
The calamity was received with shock and outrage over the number of casualties and the failure of regulation and operation happens. Public inquiry in Britain and the United States pushing a major overhaul marine safety. One of the most important legacy of this disaster was the establishment of the International Convention for the Safety of Passengers at Sea (SOLAS), which still governs marine safety until now. Many survivors lost all their wealth and possessions and being poor, many families, especially families of the crew of Southampton, loses its main source of income. They all helped by a flood of sympathy and charitable donations from the community. Some of the men who survived, especially the head of the White Star Line, J. Bruce Ismay, denounced as a coward for abandoning ship when passengers are still on it, and they were ostracized by the public.
Wreck of Titanic still on the sea floor, slowly crushed in the depths of 12,415 feet (3.784 m). Since it was rediscovered in 1985, thousands of artifacts taken from the seabed and exhibited in various museums around the world. Titanic has become one of the famous ship in history. Its existence continues to be remembered by a number of books, films, exhibitions, and memorials.
Survivors and the dead
The number of victims of the sinking of Titanic was not clear due to several factors, including differences in the passenger list, which includes names of people who canceled their trips at the last minute, and the fact that the number of passengers using aliases for various reasons and counted twice in the list of victims. The death toll is estimated between 1490 and 1635 people. The number at the bottom of the report obtained by Great Britain Board of Trade about this disaster.
Category passengersNumber of passengersSurvivorsThe death tollPercentage of survivorsThe percentage of dead
Children, Class Two24th24th0100%0%
Children, First Class65183.4%16.6%
Children, Class Three79th27th5234%66%
Men, crew86519269322%78%
Men, Class Two16814th1548%92%
Men, First Class17557th11833%67%
Men, Class Three46275th38716%84%
Women, crew2320th387%13%
Women, Class Two9380th13th86%14%
Women, Class A144140497%3%
Women, Class Three16576th89th46%54%

Less than a third passenger survived the Titanic disaster. Some of the survivors died shortly afterwards; injuries and the impact of exposure to cold water resulted in the death of a few survivors on board the Carpathia. This represents a striking difference in levels of survivors of various classes of Titanic passengers. Although only 3 percent of the class of women who died, 54 percent of women killed in the third grade. Similarly, five of the six children first and all of second grade children survived, but 52 of 79 third-grade children were killed. The last survivors are still alive, Millvina Dean from England, who at the age of nine weeks became the youngest passenger on the ship, who died on May 31, 2009 at the age of 97 years.

The shuttle Columbia
The shuttle Columbia (NASA aircraft code: OV-102) is a first space shuttle orbiter in NASA's fleet. First mission, STS-1 took place from 12 Apriluntil 14 April 1981. On February 1, 2003, the plane exploded in the 28nya mission, STS-107, killing the entire crew of seven persons, namely Rick D. Husband (commander), William C. McCool (Pilot), David M. Brown, Kalpana Chawla (India-The first American in space), Michael P. Anderson, Laurel B.Clark and Ilan Ramon (the first Israeli man in space)
Throughout its history, Columbia has conducted 28 flights, spent a period as long as 300.74 days in space, Completing 4808 orbits, and flew 201,497,772 miles, Including the last mission.

Tanggal26 In April 1986, the world witnessed the worst accident in the history of the world. Chernobyl disaster known as socio-economic catastrophe in peacetime. 50% of the area of ​​Ukraine affected. More than 200,000 people had to be evacuated and resettled while 1.7 million people were directly affected by the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident. Deaths related to Chernobyl victims, including people who died from cancer years later, is estimated at 125,000 inhabitants. Total costs including recovery, resettlement, and compensation to victims is estimated at $ 200 billion.
Cost of a new steel shelter for the Chernobyl nuclear embed spend up to $ 2 billion alone. The accident was officially attributed to power nuclear plant in violation of procedures and planting ignore security requirements that have been set.

13 November 2002, a tanker ship "Prestige" loaded with 77,000 tons of fuel oil one of the 12 tanks exploded when the storm hit Spain. Fearing that the ship exploded, then the captain called for help on Spanish rescue workers, expecting the ship can be towed to the nearest port.
However, for fear of jeopardizing the case was rejected by the local government of Spain. Do not want to lose the sense, the captain also asked for help from the Portuguese and French, but for a long time, the captain was forced to bite her toes being rejected and asked to stay away from their waters.
The storm got worse and the ship split in half, removing as much as 20 million gallons of oil and polluting the sea. Who suffered total losses plus cleaning the sea is 12 Billion U.S. Dollars

Chernobyl accident of 1986 On 26 April 1986, reactor # 4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant near the town of Pripyat, Ukraine, exploded. The explosion happened at 1:23 in the morning when the neighboring town of Pripyat residents were tertidur.suatu nuclear leak disaster, and there is also a mention as the collapse of container planting nuclear accident of Chernobyl. The accident was officially attributed to power plant operators who violated procedures and standards necessary for safety requirements. the incident occurred on April 26, 1986.Yes, Chernobyl was a disaster that has been called the biggest socio-economic concerns throughout history. 50% of the area of ​​Ukraine that affected. More than 200,000 people had to be evacuated and resettled while 1.7 million people were directly affected by the disaster. Deaths attributed to Chernobyl, including people who died from cancer years later, is estimated at 125,000 inhabitants. Two workers were killed instantly. 40 hours later, the residents of Pripyat were ordered to evacuate, and never come back, at the time, many people have suffered varying degrees of radiation poisoning. In 2003, the United Nations Development Programme launched a project called the Chernobyl Recovery and Development (CRDP) for the recovery of the affected areas.The program launched its activities based on Human Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident report recommendations and was initiated in February 2002. The main goal of the CRDP's activities is supporting the Government of Ukraine to mitigate long-term consequences of social, economic and ecological disaster of Chernobyl, among others. CRDP works in the four most Chernobyl-affected areas in Ukraine: Kiev Oblast, Zhytomyrska Oblast, partially Kiev, Rivne Oblast Chernihivska and Oblast. 

12 September 2008 was the worst rail accident within California history, 25 people were killed when a Metrolink train collides with train Union Pacific Los Angeles. The main causes of accidents due to the Metrolink that strap in one (red signal). Loss of about 500 million U.S. dollars.

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